Dr Amina Ather, Team lead,IFRTK, Bangalore
Yunani medicine is commonly known as TIBB which means medicine in Arabic and as its roots are relative
to Greece called as Yunani Tibb meaning medicine of Greece, it also has a synonymic reference to its name as Islamic medicine (practiced by Muslims) , Misri tibb (practiced in Egypt ) Arabi tibb (Practiced with Arabic literature) ,Irani Tibb (Practiced in Iran) and so on.With the concepts from the archives of tibb which are relative to the well being of the person ,it is not only the healthy state which has to be in a proper physiological function and a normal anatomical structure but also the spiritual wellness of a person in other words , the healthy soul or the normal psychological status should also be in proper norms. Among all these factors , the spiritual wellness not only helps in the faster and good prognosis of the diseased but also in the management and rehabilitation of a person during and after the disease. A person in a normal day to day life experiences a stress full time as he/she is a sandwich between family
work and his own self feels like he is not able to free himself /herself mentally from the responsibilities around him/her either professional or social or family as they relate directly to the economic development of oneself.The stress weakens the self confidence and also it hampers the physical health of the person , one such example is the disorder like fibromyalgia which is not even diagnosed easily by the neurologist also , after a greater research too the exact cause has not yet been determined but the treatment is a mere symptomatic one.
When a pilot study was conducted on the night shift working IT professionals and this was complete with proper treatment, diet and religious counseling .During this short term study it was observed that the psychological counseling with religious intervention had a very good impact rather that the treatment group who were on anti depressants .
Hence the mental well being of a person is rather more related to its psychological counseling and lack of knowledge of healing by DINI ILAM (religious knowledge) in this fast world of innovations and modern technology.
For Futher information plese mail back to
dramina.ifrtk@gmail.com or drmrsakram.ifrtk@gamil.com
1 comment:
i read ur post. i think u are only person who know tibb and contemporary knowledge. after long time u add this post.
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