Looking for some relief from back ache...

Madar : 



Calotropis gigantea (L.) R.BR.v

Whole plant externally


This is a common plant seen in almost all the regions of south India. This is been worshiped by many of the communities in south India especially in women,

In Tibb-e-Unani  the property here is Mohallil  which means anti inflammatory in the modern terminology .

Here are a few home remedies which are very helpful to get relief from back ache especially for the teen age during their strenuous exams.  


The following method will be very beneficial:

Ingredients :

*   A’ak  -- Calotropis gigantea (L.) R.BR.v

*   Roghan-e-Erand--- Castor oil


Tarkeeb-e-Istemaal   (Method of Use);

*         The leaves on the softer side were applied with castor oil and then; they are to   

             be  heated on a pan , until it is warm enough .

*          These leaves are then patted on the back where there is back ache , especially pain occurring after a long time sitting posture. .

*          This gives best results when done before sleep.


The relation between mother-in-law and sister-in-law even today in the rural india remains the same.

Smile has no profit!

The lady in the image , i had taken this photo in june 2006 when i made  a vist to bombay , this lady  was at the elphanta caves (an hour journey from the gate way of india) . There were a group of women who were selling drinking water .She had only smiles even though she was carrying three big pots full of water she sold for just INR 5.00 for a glass (100ml)  .
How many of us give three cheers to thee women , who smile with loads and loads of stress and pressure on them.

Please do give ur cheers when you surely come across these ladies.