“Medical pluralism potentials to comfortism in reproductive health approach among South Asian Muslim women”.

“Medical pluralism potentials to comfortism in reproductive health approach among South Asian Muslim women”.
Dr. Amina Ather, MD, Team Lead, IFRTK, Bangalore, INDIA .2009.
Medical pluralism, the word which means multiple medicine applications, with the rise of technology and the techniques the thrust of treatment revolves round the table of structural approach and there is a huge dependency on the technology. This has developed like a target medicine and the population moves with it's old belief of systemic approach and which opens door for a pluralistic medicine and this is more like a multi cuisine which offers all the therapies.
An observational study with FF-face to face interactions, FGD-Focused group discussions , when observed that the Muslim women from south Asian countries (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh , Pakistan )prefer a pluralistic approach when they are looking for reproductive health management . If there is a surgery it is complemented by Unani medicine / Islamic medicine for the diet and spiritual healing for psychological assessment.
Even as the traditional medicine constitutes the assortment traditions and practices, empirical support with conceptual rigor, this is pertaining to the ancestral therapies and they all have the same origin. Like the Malaya medicine of Malaysia and Unani medicine of India have a common origin and that is the Arab physicians, most of the therapies have a commonality with them like the massage therapy and the spiritual healing as these two groups practice a common religion Islam.
As we move on to the health seeking behavior trends in regards of reproductive health care, the scholarly traditions of the Islamic medicine whether it is from quran or hadiyath handled organic and psychological problems with medical care and counseling for example as simple as dates and olives they have reference in the quran and they are used widely.
Medical pluralism is also a multiple choice channel when health seeking behaviors trends are validated, the South Asian Muslim women, even with their linguistic differences have a conformism for a pluralistic approach for reproductive health care. They take medicine and the techniques of child birth with counseling from different medicinal back ground which makes it a pluralistic approach.
dramina.ifrtk@gmail.com, www.ifrtk.org
"Constraints in understanding cross cultural issues"-School education

Is SWINE FLUE a new concept?

Dr.Amina Ather.Team Lead, IFRTK, Bangalore dmailto:dramina.ifrtk@gmail.com
The world is targeting its concentration on the recent biological change of swine flue spread from one country to the other country but are we aware that our old community guidelines were based on these lines that the diseases travel with the traveler and once there was a return of a traveler from a foreign country they used to isolated the visitor before entering into the main civilization areas.
Here are some examples during the Tippu rule when any foreigner was to enter into the fort he was stay outside the fort for seven days , a process of his rejuvenation and then allowed , why was this concept followed or even being followed with few ethnic groups even today, we can experience old ladies even today do not allow a person to enter the house with footwear and also they insist on washing hands and legs or even take a bath outside the house before entering inside .These concepts were not a gimmick they were on to the preventive measures of any epidemics a person has been exposed to and avoiding its spread with the other family members.
Let us take a look at some civilizations as how they avoided the entry of other community / civilization centers, which were
· The Egyptians used to completely plaster the visitor with mullers earth for more than 24hrs and decoction of herbs was give to the person before he enters the civilized area.
· The Aryans of Indus valley civilization used to purify the visitor or the return of traveler with a complete washing him with holy waters of Ganges, this holy water also constituted of herbs.
· The Mesopotamian civilization used bath the visitor with herbs decoction and also give fumigation therapies.
· The red Indians used to make the visitor buried in the earthen hole with his head out for more than 6hrs and then fumigation process to continue and then he was taken outside.
· The Arabian civilization the process of cupping and bloodletting used to be in practice so that the infected blood is out of the body.
But how many of us do follow this kind of preventive measure for prevention of epidemic diseases remains an un answered question, and lack of education about the spread leads to the situation of panic which further brings down the immunity of the infected person and as simple as it inviting more foreign organism to invade the body and a diseased condition prevails.
H1N1: is a type of influenza virus which have been designated as to the type , place of origin , and the serial number of strain and the year of isolation – e.g A, A,A1—A /England /1/53 , A1 /Hong Kong/1/68 .
But H is the one which is isolated after the antigens hemagglutinin (H) and N with neuraminidase (N). This is further subdivided into tyes H0, H1, H2, and H3 and N1 and N2. This becomes a new designation as H1 N1 –A/Denver/1/57.
Clinically this disease is a respiratory infection with fever, prostration and muscle pain , with its diagnosis being difficult in sporadic mild cases, and the treatment is carried with the symptomatic treatment of influenza in general and termination of the H1N1.
The commonest clinical conditions are:
o Fever persistent for more than 5 days -1020-1050.
o Runny nose, watery exudates in the beginning and then after 2-4 days thick yellowish.
o Cough is productive
o Head ache continuous , bright light may make the headache even worse.
o Malaise –feeling of illness, patients feel like being in bed than rather moving out.
o Difficulty in breathing and these results to in short breath and rate of respiration increases.
o For infants difficulty in taking of fluids, /difficulty in breast feeding.
o There could be associated chills especially after urination.
o Nausea and associated vomiting.
o Cyanosis-Discoloration of nail beds to blue after a long fever.
o The extremities are also discolored to blue.
Preventive measure:
A vaccination against influenza is also helpful as it is a type of influenza and the virus also belongs to the same family.
Cover the nose and mouth with clean and an antiseptic cloth /mask one such kind can be prepared at home , take a clean handkerchief and rinse it with water which is added with a teaspoon of turmeric in it .
Fumigate the home with loban powder (Styrax benzoin).
Fumigate the rooms with both loban powder (Styrax benzoin) and kafoor (Camphor)
Fumigation of neem leaves also avoids epidemic infections.
Consume a pinch of turmeric with a teaspoon of honey before bed / a pinch of turmeric with a glass of milk.
Vaporizations from mixture of camphor, mehtol and thymol to be inhaled to avoid any infection.
Application of the mixture obtained from camphor, mehtol and thymol to the forehead , templates and back to the ear lobs also avoids any infection.
A decoction prepared from afsanteen (Artemisia) roots – before breakfast and empty stomach is also helpful.
Bathing with neem leaves and also leaves people good to avoid epidemics.
A decoction prepared from pepper –black and jagger along with ginger is also beneficial.
Greens are very good to combat fever especially spinach , its soup to be taken at least once as day and compulsory once a week.
Is SWINE FLUE a new concept?
Dr.Amina Ather.
Team Lead, IFRTK, Bangalore
The world is targeting its concentration on the recent biological change of swine flue spread from one country to the other country but are we aware that our old community guidelines were based on these lines that the diseases travel with the traveler and once there was a return of a traveler from a foreign country they used to isolated the visitor before entering into the main civilization areas.
Figure 1.Adtoda vesica, the decoction of the flowers to be used once a day for prevention of fevers caused by epidemic infections.Here are some examples during the Tippu rule when any foreigner was to enter into the fort he was stay outside the fort for seven days , a process of his rejuvenation and then allowed , why was this concept followed or even being followed with few ethnic groups even today, we can experience old ladies even today do not allow a person to enter the house with footwear and also they insist on washing hands and legs or even take a bath outside the house before entering inside .These concepts were not a gimmick they were on to the preventive measures of any epidemics a person has been exposed to and avoiding its spread with the other family members.
Let us take a look at some civilizations as how they avoided the entry of other community / civilization centers, which were
· The Egyptians used to completely plaster the visitor with mullers earth for more than 24hrs and decoction of herbs was give to the person before he enters the civilized area.
· The Aryans of Indus valley civilization used to purify the visitor or the return of traveler with a complete washing him with holy waters of Ganges, this holy water also constituted of herbs.
· The Mesopotamian civilization used bath the visitor with herbs decoction and also give fumigation therapies.
· The red Indians used to make the visitor buried in the earthen hole with his head out for more than 6hrs and then fumigation process to continue and then he was taken outside.
· The Arabian civilization the process of cupping and bloodletting used to be in practice so that the infected blood is out of the body.
But how many of us do follow this kind of preventive measure for prevention of epidemic diseases remains an un answered question, and lack of education about the spread leads to the situation of panic which further brings down the immunity of the infected person and as simple as it inviting more foreign organism to invade the body and a diseased condition prevails.
H1N1: is a type of influenza virus which have been designated as to the type , place of origin , and the serial number of strain and the year of isolation – e.g A, A,A1—A /England /1/53 , A1 /Hong Kong/1/68 .
But H is the one which is isolated after the antigens hemagglutinin (H) and N with neuraminidase (N). This is further subdivided into tyes H0, H1, H2, and H3 and N1 and N2. This becomes a new designation as H1 N1 –A/Denver/1/57.
Clinically this disease is a respiratory infection with fever, prostration and muscle pain , with its diagnosis being difficult in sporadic mild cases, and the treatment is carried with the symptomatic treatment of influenza in general and termination of the H1N1.
The commonest clinical conditions are:
o Fever persistent for more than 5 days -1020-1050.
o Runny nose, watery exudates in the beginning and then after 2-4 days thick yellowish.
o Cough is productive
o Head ache continuous , bright light may make the headache even worse.
o Malaise –feeling of illness, patients feel like being in bed than rather moving out.
o Difficulty in breathing and these results to in short breath and rate of respiration increases.
o For infants difficulty in taking of fluids, /difficulty in breast feeding.
o There could be associated chills especially after urination.
o Nausea and associated vomiting.
o Cyanosis-Discoloration of nail beds to blue after a long fever.
o The extremities are also discolored to blue.
Preventive measure:
1.A vaccination against influenza is also helpful as it is a type of influenza and the virus also belongs to the same family.
2.Cover the nose and mouth with clean and an antiseptic cloth /mask one such kind can be prepared at home , take a clean handkerchief and rinse it with water which is added with a teaspoon of turmeric in it .
3.Fumigate the home with loban powder (Styrax benzoin).
4.Fumigate the rooms with both loban powder (Styrax benzoin) and kafoor (Camphor)
5.Fumigation of neem leaves also avoids epidemic infections.
6.Consume a pinch of turmeric with a teaspoon of honey before bed / a pinch of turmeric with a glass of milk.
7.Vaporizations from mixture of camphor, mehtol and thymol to be inhaled to avoid any infection.
8.Application of the mixture obtained from camphor, mehtol and thymol to the forehead , templates and back to the ear lobs also avoids any infection.
9.A decoction prepared from afsanteen (Artemisia) roots – before breakfast and empty stomach is also helpful.
10.Bathing with neem leaves and also leaves people good to avoid epidemics.
11.A decoction prepared from pepper –black and jagger along with ginger is also beneficial.
12.Greens are very good to combat fever especially spinach , its soup to be taken at least once as day and compulsory once a week.
13.Sprouts are very good resource for immunity boosters especially the green gram sprouts these enhance the immunity and help in maintaining of healthy life.
14.The sprouts of meethe seeds are also good in enhancing the immunity .
The above recopies can also be complementary methods for influenza treatment these can be taken along with the regular treatment of antiviral drugs and antipyretic drugs , a good food supplement and a proper diet of fresh food helps to combat any kind of epidemics also the cleanliness washing hands regularly and to avoid sneezing in public gathering and also to avoid contact with animals too. For further information on complementary medicine , home recipes mail to dramina.ifrtk@gmail.com .
Means of transport old and new.
Panel 19: Trade and the Globalisation of Medicine across Asia -

Dr Amina Ather, Team lead,IFRTK, Bangalore
Yunani medicine is commonly known as TIBB which means medicine in Arabic and as its roots are relative
to Greece called as Yunani Tibb meaning medicine of Greece, it also has a synonymic reference to its name as Islamic medicine (practiced by Muslims) , Misri tibb (practiced in Egypt ) Arabi tibb (Practiced with Arabic literature) ,Irani Tibb (Practiced in Iran) and so on.With the concepts from the archives of tibb which are relative to the well being of the person ,it is not only the healthy state which has to be in a proper physiological function and a normal anatomical structure but also the spiritual wellness of a person in other words , the healthy soul or the normal psychological status should also be in proper norms. Among all these factors , the spiritual wellness not only helps in the faster and good prognosis of the diseased but also in the management and rehabilitation of a person during and after the disease. A person in a normal day to day life experiences a stress full time as he/she is a sandwich between family
work and his own self feels like he is not able to free himself /herself mentally from the responsibilities around him/her either professional or social or family as they relate directly to the economic development of oneself.The stress weakens the self confidence and also it hampers the physical health of the person , one such example is the disorder like fibromyalgia which is not even diagnosed easily by the neurologist also , after a greater research too the exact cause has not yet been determined but the treatment is a mere symptomatic one.
When a pilot study was conducted on the night shift working IT professionals and this was complete with proper treatment, diet and religious counseling .During this short term study it was observed that the psychological counseling with religious intervention had a very good impact rather that the treatment group who were on anti depressants .
Hence the mental well being of a person is rather more related to its psychological counseling and lack of knowledge of healing by DINI ILAM (religious knowledge) in this fast world of innovations and modern technology.
Ammaji, the world misses U!

My dear Ammaji , my love to U is forever …!!
How many of us are aware of women like “AMMAJI” ?
Dr.Amina Ather
Didi ; “Is pregnancy a boon or a curse” ! A question in a supple voice was asked by a lady who was a participant during one of my workshop, at a village in tumkur district in 2005 , my lips sealed when I looked at her she was short and lean and was about 8months of her pregnancy , may be her age not more than 16 yrs , which I could guess .
I had no answer to her question but just smiled at her spontaneously and my watery eyes were looking for an answer within myself, with a load of courage I gathered up I smiled back to her and replied “dear it’s a boon, almighty has given us the gift of bringing a new life to this world”. With a supple voice and her eyes rolling side wards and head bent down she replied “sacrificing ourselves! When do we women have to live for ourselves?”
This was like a shattering bomb shell to me, a missile of her feelings she was feeling the pain of labor and the fear of death, I was feeling like I was standing on a volcano . But a old voice broke my science if one takes care of oneself according to ammaji instead of the shehre ( City) doctor then u will be fine , she has Jadu (Magic) and shifa ( treatment) in her hands . With a sigh who’s this ammaji ? Was my immediate response.
Ammaji is our ammaji the lovely old lady of our village she doesn’t charge anything to deliver a baby if anyone want free delivery u can get to her , she is an expert of experts . My search for ammaji led me to her place .
As we walked down the narrowest lane I had ever been in the village with the marshy silt down led to a low hut, and I just went to the door step with Mujeeba the village anganwadi worker , who had co-ordinated workshop.
Converstion between Mujeeba and ammaji” ( I am sharing this conversation as to a feeling of her economic status)
Mujeeba : “ammaji, ammaji ammaji….. “ in a high voice , are u there !
Ammaji: In a shivering voice “Kayoun hai ander aaajjaa” (Whos that come inside )
Mujeeba : Salam alikum ammaji…. (Greetings !!)
Ammaji; Salam salam , koun Mujeeba . aaja (yes greetings who Mujeeba)
Mujeeba : aareoun ammji . (coming ammaji)
Ammaji: Aaaj dopahar ka khana khatam kardale poor tuuch khage kya. (Did u finish the lunch by yourself today)
Mujeeba : nai ammaji , aaj mamu sab ke pootre Dr Amina Ather workshop karethe , uneche khane ka bhi khalaye poori bachan ko.( No today mamusaab’s grand daughter amina ‘s workshop was there she had arranged all our luch)
Ammaji to me : Mamusab ki pootre vate badi hai , mamsaab marne ke baad goun louch bhoolgaye ( she looking at me with a starry look holding my hand ).
Ander aja bache , tu chote rhitak ek potte ke sarka theee , mamujaan ke saat masijd mei pane bhar te thi” (come inside my dear child , when u were smallas a kid you were like a boy and you used to come with your grandpa)
Mujeeba : All smiles at me and she says ammaji’s memory is so good d\she remembers your child hood .
Ammaji depends on Mujeeba for her lunch and dinner, stays all alone in that hut , only tears rolling down , I could not remember the old lady who remembers my child hood ?
And after decades… I have gone to her with a greed in my heart to know the traditions she uses for delivering a baby without complications , what’s this world ……around ?
I used to fill water in the tank of the mosque with my dadaji (grandfather ) as a kid and I am not allowed to enter the mosque today .
She used to make a roti (bread) for me and jaggery with it she has pampered me so many time she recollects how I used to run away from her when she used to feed me , Oh almighty how many of them have cared us for whom we haven’t cared back and we do not even remember. .
I had no courage to ask her anything regarding the traditional medicine used by her and her experiences, my voice choking with her love and care she was searching something , in her thaile ( small pouch she hung with her) she was searching for some money , Allah !!!! to get something to me as I have visited her and me there empty hands ??????......
The care, the love and she remembering all my child hood, she went right back to my naughty questions like why can’t we hold water in the towel why can we hold it in pot and she recollected it every time she filled the water and me on the other side doesn’t even remember her , How could i forget her .
With all my hesitation she made a lime juice with gaggery , allah she remember I used to love jaggery eating and I used to go to her to collect it .
I had no words to speak to her but Mujeeba was restless as ammaji had started her old records , I had not space to tell Mujeeba to leave and will get back to her and she can carry on and I would like to spend my time sharing with ammji , ammaji soon realized her restlessness and my helplessness , experience ammaji had…..!!!!
Ammaji to Mujeeba “ Mujeeba tu ja , ather yehan rahnde , manje maloon vuse kya pasand hai , vuni kya khateya, mei vus ke sath zavokht baitun (Mujeeba u cary on , let ather sit here and I know what she likes to eat I will prepare for her ) .
Mujeeba told me that she will wait for me at her place and she left , then ammaji looking at me and her eyes rolling for tears , she kissed me on my forehead and started sharing all the time she had spent me , I silently listen to her each word , while she was sharing she made a ragi roti (finger millet bread) , she had cooked around 5 yrs back and she was doing it now , for me and I had nothing for her in response ,as the conversation grew , I coupled up my courage and I apologized her that I came to her looking for her traditional medicine formulations…. .
She replied to me with a smile and said do not worry I will not feel bad and said “ Tu mere bache hai , mere adhe kya poore pavoun khabar mei hain mei tujeh siky tou aram se marteoun ki ki mere dam tuje sikay tak nai jata rahenga ? ” ( U are my little child ,my death is soon to come , if I share with u then I can die may be peacefully, may be my death is awaiting me to teach U) .
I was so glad at that moment and she was feeling so much of love knowing that I am a doing workshops for women and she said “do everything what u like with your heart not with your mind , because when u leave this world your hands were empty” .
I was pregnant at that time and just 1 month old , she told me your son is fine and he will be a star and I he will be born during last days of Ramadan . This shocked me as the pregnancy was confirmed just 15 days ago and no ultrasonography . She just looking at me, I was wondering how she could say this.
And a son , allah ! just I was 6-8 weeks of gestations and she is saying the EDD: expected date of delivery , without even asking my LMP : Last menstrual cycle, she is an expert , and that too I will give birth to a son on the last two days of Ramadan .
Ammaji to me : “tum bache shahr ke ise nahe samjoge jab tuje beta hotei na tab maje yaadkarna vus ke baad dua darrod bhejdena” .(U city kids will not understand this when to give birth to your son u remember me and do pray for me) .
I spent the whole evening with her recalling all the memories she had with me and I left with only love and kindness . She was an illiterate , so no documents from her , no manuscripts all she had was experience .
I returned back again after a month to stay with her and she shared me all the formulations , and traditions and I feel lucky to have documented , I visited her to share her feelings and love and care a new bond and as my pregnancy grew I was restricted to travel but by now she had shared enough and I could document them .
The Ramadan started and she left this world in the first week of Ramadan and I was always thinking of her
Two days no food no water and only I could recollect her , I had documented her by taking her work as writing , no photos or video and I was expected to record her after I finished my pregnancy , and I repent even till date that I could record her .
But to all the surprise I got a baby boy on 29th day of Ramadan, friends I could only pray for her better life after death and only think of her and thank her.
Dear friends ,
As a tribute to ammaji , I wish and hope to document ( a good Audio video documentation) of women who are serving at their places with their love and care !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please if u come across women like ammaji who have treasure of traditions may be one at your own home , your own grand ma ( Nani or dadi) whom we never recognize or over look them please share them to this world , I am looking forward to start a database on them so that we can bring them to the world . I have lost my ammaji , there are so manu of them let us document them before they leave us and also support them for their care .
Inshall I would start online classes to muslim women free , to disperse the knowledge I have acquired from great women like ammaji soon , inshallah.
Dr Amina Ather
No nit programe.
An interactive workshop for anti lice treatment and preventive measures.
By Dr Amina Ather
Module :
Dear Friends , Looking forward for a collaboration , sponsorship , and your kind support . Waiting for your positive reply . Please mail back to me : call me on +91-9742710790 With a note on "Dare to make your dream live" Dr Amina Ather Team lead ,IFRTK Bangalore